What does freedom mean to you?

What is missing for you to feel free?

Your answer will depend on where you are in your life. It may be about being financially free, or having courage to quit your boring job, or a toxic relationship. Last month it might have been freedom from health issues, and next month you will want to be free from low confidence. Thousands of posibilities.

Your personal freedom constantly expands. The closer you get to it, the further it grows. It is like playing a game: you can be stuck where you are, or you can upgrade to a higheer level.

I learned that the most important aspect of this game is the mindset. In order to upgrade and move to higher levels we need to change, grow, expand. To do so, the first step is to identify and remove the limitations that hold you back and slow you down. Whether they are physical, mental, or emotional.

This is what I have been doing

I always thought the ‘why’ behind my work was the pursuit of happiness. Now I understand it wasn’t the pursuit of happiness but the pursuit of freedom. There is no difference between personal life and professional career. Everything I did was a tool to give me more freedom, different aspects of it at different times.

I come from a family with substance abuse and no money. I grew up seeing how unhappiness was destroying my mum. No wonder I escaped when an opportunity presented itself. At the age of 20 something I moved to London. I always judged my mum: why didn't she leave if she was so unhappy, why did she allow to be treated badly, why didn't she do anything? My first serious relationship in London showed me why.

For 5 years I was stuck in a toxic relationship. Unhappy, lonely, and I allowed bad behaviours. Like my mum, I did nothing. I learned that leaving something that is bad for us, is not that easy. This is how I discovered I had so much work to do on myself, my mindset, my past wounds and traumas.

So I started searching, experimenting, learning. Some tools were so beneficial that I decided to learn them. Imagine, I had so many problems that it was simply cheaper to learn the method, rather than go to a session every single time.

My healing journey is still on

I must be on the right path because, even though there are still things I need to work on, my life improved beyond my imagination. It makes sense to share it. I see it as a beautiful symbiosis: by sharing what I know and how I do things, I help you on your path to freedom, and by paying for my services (although it is not the only way) you are helping me. You are giving me means to either learn and grow more, or to enjoy my freedom. Everybody wins :)

Even though most of my life I worked with human body, today I mainly focus on emotional and mental aspects, because this is where the real magic happens! Healing emotions, working on past traumas, and shifting the mindset are powerful and very effective ways of upgrading yourself.

On one hand I use the power of the subconsious mind, on the other I explore the healing world of natural remedies, like sound and frequency, plant medicines and breathwork.

Is freedom the oxygen of your soul?

Where are you in this game? Are you between the levels?

Maybe you are happy there, which is also ok, but maybe you feel stuck. Maybe you feel certain uneasiness, the unexpected calling, the urge to change something? You may even not know why, what, or how. But you know what? You don't have to know. And you don't have to go through it alone. In fact, it is good to have guidance and support of a professional who's experienced, trustworthy and caring.

I am like you. I am on a healing journey myself. I experiment, search, learn, fail and suceeed, spend time and money, so you don't have to.

If my words resonate with you, I may be the right person for you. I promise you, I don't agree to work with someone if I don't belive we are a perfect fit. Your success, is my success and I take it very personally.

Let’s talk!

Patrycja ♡
