Rapid Transformational Therapy

I saw an ad about the best therapist in the UK. I was surprised: how can they choose the best therapist? And who even did the choosing? I had to check it. As a massage therapist of course I asuumed it was about massage... but it wasn’t. This therapist, her name was Marisa Peer, developed her own technique of healing emotions on a subconscious level. And she was using hypnosis to do that.

Hypnosis? I thought… They use hypnosis in stage performances where they turn people into chickens, or do some magic to control people’s mind. What does it have to do with therapy?

I listened to Marisa's YouTube video of a recorded hypnotherapy session for low confidence. I didn’t have problems with my confidence (so I thought), and with very sceptical mind I decided to give it a go anyway.

There was a moment when Marissa said: I will count from 5 to 1 and you will go back to a scene that shows a reason why you don’t feel confident. She counted: 5,4… nothing. 3,2… nothing. 1.. nothing! And then she clicked her fingers and there I was. Suddenly I was a little baby, laying on my back in a crib and saw heads of my parents above me. I heard what they were saying!


Cutting long story short – I was amazed! This therapy worked through a pre-recorded video on a problem I didn’t think I had. What can it do with a live session and the problem I knew I had? I found a RTT therapist, I signed for a full session, and after learning how amazing it is – I signed up for a full training.

I love RTT. I think it is the most powerful and transformative technique I ever came across. I learned that hypnosis is easy, natural and nothing to be scared of. I discovered how fascinating, and powerful our subconscious mind is, and how to use it to our advantage.

RTT is simply about knowing and using the power of your own mind to get to the root cause behind the problem and healing it on a deeper level.


How does it work?

Using the conscious mind, willpower, and logic to change the way we feel about something, or to break our habits is extremely hard. That is why standard talking therapy takes many years, and despite providing support, delivers little change. It’s also why reading wise books and listening to knowledgeable people does almost nothing, most of the time we slip back into our old ways. Working on the conscious level is like trying to learn to swim, by standing on the land. For a permanent change we need to act on the level where those emotions, beliefs and habits are kept: in the subconscious.

Imagine having access to all your memories, experiences, and beliefs, including those formed so long time ago that you may not even remember them. The fact that you don’t remember them, doesn’t mean they aren’t having an effect. Those early experiences shape your reality today. Most of my clients find that the root cause behind their issues started in the first 7 years of their lives, sometimes even as far back as the womb. That is why, as you may have noticed yourself, everyone is talking about inner child work and trauma healing.

Imagine having an opportunity to revisit and heal your past wounds. You can travel in time to the moment you created a negative belief and disrupt it. Or you can interact with your inner child at the time it needed it the most. You’ll be able to understand what is going on in your thinking, identify limiting beliefs and uncover how they are affecting your life.


RTT can be used for a wide variety of physical and emotional issues. It doesn’t matter if you want to cure psoriasis, or painful periods, break with addictions, boost your confidence, heal phobias, or improve self-image. The process behind all of those is the same; find out why, when, and how you developed the issue in the first place. Discover the root cause and heal it on the subconscious level for a lasting change. The best part? Once you heal the root cause, many symptoms associated with that root cause will heal themselves too.

You should know: RTT is for you if you feel ready to take responsibility and control of your life, and you understand that to truly heal you must face the very thing you don’t want to face. There is no other way. Happiness and freedom await on the other side. You must be prepared to go through this discomfort and you must be disciplined.

Your mind is the most powerful tool you have, and I will show you how to use it for your advantage. Everything you created and learned, you can uncreate and unlearn. I will be there to guide you and support you.

It all starts with a free and non-obligatory call. Book yours here


What does a RTT session looks like?

When I say 'RTT session' I really mean a process that lasts 30 days, and it consists of:

1. DISCOVERY CALL: It starts with a short, free and non-obligatory call. You may have some questions about me and my methods, I want to know more about your issue, but most importantly: do we like each other? Do you trust me? Am I the right therapist for your issue? (FYI: I don't agree to work with a client if I don't belive I can help them) Are you really ready for change and commited to it? In other words: are we a perfect fit?

2. DIVE DEEP CALL: If we decide we are a perfect fit and we want to work together, we will schedule a call to talk in depth about your issue, about your struggles, and most importantly: about your desired outcomes.

3. THE SESSION: it lasts 90-120 min and it can be done face to face, or online. (YES, you can be hypnotised through a video call, and NO, there is no difference in effectiveness). Majority of these 90 min is a deep, healing work: finding the root cause and transforming it.

4. PERSONALISED RECORDING: After the session I will send you a personalised recording, that I create especially for you. You must listen to this recording for minimum 30 days. It is a very important part of the healing process as it wires the change in your mind.

5. ONGOING SUPPORT: Throughout the month, I'll check in couple of times, offering support and guidance to ensure your continued well-being.

As we focus on one problem at a time, and get straight to the root cause, there is no need for regular weekly sessions - my aim is to solve your problem within 1-2 sessions. I will give you tools and will teach you how you can become independent from me. However, I understand some people may need more support and motivation than others. There is a big benefit of having someone to hold your hand (and hold you accountable) at least at the beginning of the journey. Also, some problems are more complicated than others. For these reasons I created 3 programs:


Book your free and non-obligatory call here


Lia, Lagos, Portugal

Selva, Lagos, Portugal

Magda, London

Sana, Vienna

Hayat, London

I had been 'shopping around' for RTT therapists for a little while and couldn't really make a decision. Then I contacted Patrycja, we had an initial Zoom call and straight away I knew I wanted to work with her. She made me feel comfortable and seen . She was warm, professional and she explained the whole process very honestly. During the session we got to the roots of my issue and I can tell I feel different, even noticed changes in my behaviours and mindset. Friends have been commenting about how much I glow too :) Patrycja was super professional, I felt held and supported throughout and after the session. Thank you!

Celia, London

I must admit that at the beginning I was a bit resistant. I was only finding excuses to postpone the session, but finally the day has come, and I did it. And I am so happy and grateful that I did. I had a certain negative habit that has been in my life for the last 20something years. I wanted to change it for so long, but never had the power to do so. And now I do!

I didn't expect the session to be so powerful. Incredible, that one session was enough to see changes straight away. As if something switched in my subconscious and suddenly everything changed. I simply feel the old habit is not part of me anymore. Something I have been doing for so many years now is suddenly strange to me, as if my mind is telling me: that is not you anymore, you don't want it.This one session also affected other areas of my life in a positive way. My routines are more synchronised with what I want, and who I want to be.

Eve, Thailand

Patricia’s RTT session was recommended to me by a friend, so I contacted her. It was a wise decision! Patricia began the session with an online email consultation in which she asked if I had any areas of my life that I wanted to improve. I was a little worried at the start of the online video session that I wouldn't be able to be susceptible to the hypnosis, but Patricia's soft voice quickly calmed me down. The session lasted around 2 hours and was intensely emotional; I cried while revealing profoundly repressed childhood trauma. I couldn't believe I'd never seen the link between my childhood events and current behaviour, and how much it influenced my life. It's been a big relief to get that out of the way.

The next day, Patricia sent me a customized recording to assist me in developing a fresh cognitive process, free of childhood conditioning. After about two weeks of listening to it every day, I began to notice results - I was in a different state. And, while I sometimes still catch myself repeating the old behaviours, Patricia's Rapid Transformational Therapy helped me identify cognitive habits that were no longer serving me, resulting in a long-term life transformation. Thank you, Patricia!

Magdalena, Lagos

I did a RTT session with Patrycja to tackle my sugar cravings and I'm really happy and satisfied with the outcome - I have a balanced relationship with sweets. We did only one session and it was enough! I noticed positive changes in my eating habits almost straight away after the session, and it has been like this ever since! Sugar cravings disappeared almost completely, it was easier for me to make healthy choices, and the sweets I always loved, now seemed to be... too sweet. Unbelievable!

She works with a client in a very proper way. I mean, during the session I felt very comfortable and safe. Plus she has an amazing, really calm voice, which helps a lot! If you have any problem that you struggle with...think about her way to cure it!

Aneta, London

Patrycja has a very professional approach. I have been hypnotised before, but this time it was a bit different. I really liked the structure of the session. The induction was relaxing, but short. She very quickly put me into a state, where I felt comfortable, secure, and safe. Most of the session was the deep work, and then the ending allowed me to complete the process.

I felt the difference. After the session I felt acceptance, and peace. I was more mindful, happy and peaceful. There were moments where I couldn’t even remember what my problem was. As if it just disappeared. I highly recommend. Session with Patrycja is like being at home.

Tony, Florida

I've had miltiple therapists for hypnotherapy sessions and Patricia was by far the best. Her attention to detail and professionalism is top notch. Not only did she help me to resolve my issue, but she gave me the tools I needed to work through trauma with ground breaking results. Her knowledhg, education, and compassion for her clients set her apart. Highly recomend A++

Kristina, London

The first time I've get to know about RTT was thankfully to Patricia, my curiosity got caught straight away... I knew that this therapy would open me a path for more to come into my life and that was it...

I did it... And in few months I've seen my life changing... Got better with boundaries and I started loving myself more than I ever did, it's incredible how naturally happens and when you look back you will notice the difference from the person you were and the person you are now. Very thankful for it, it really works☀️☀️